I admit, I have a problem with books. I love them and have WAY too many.
My favorite thing to do is browse used book sales and come home with an armload. This ensures I'm always reading books that are a few years (or more) old, but who cares.
Some of them I read, some I put on the shelf for later, and some of them I sell on Half.com when I'm done with them.
I haven't done the book sale thing in a while because I was concentrating on GETTING RID of books, which were overtaking every shelf in my house. I sold a bunch online and gave a bunch away. Hunter said my book collecting was getting out of hand, and I had to reluctantly agree.
So now that there's room on my shelves again, time to go book shopping! The library a block from my office had a Buck-A-Book sale last week. I waited til the last day, when it was "Bag of Books for $5". I got many books I am SO excited to read (in all my spare time).
Here are all the titles I put in my $5 bag:
You Don't Have To Be Thin To Win - The Official Chub Club's Workout Program (Molnar) (because I can always use a little diet/exercise inspiration)
The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence (Deepak Chopra) Hmmm, sounds interesting.
Bill Neal's Southern Cooking (Neal) I love regional or ethnic cookbooks.
Good Food FAST (Hiller) - good recipes here ...esp one for pumpkin bleu cheese soup that I thought I might try after carving pumpkins, but alas, I was too lazy.
The Palm Beach Story (Roxanne Pulitzer) This looks like a good smutty beach read. I used to live near there, so I like stories set in places I've been.
Maximum Success - Changing the 12 Behavior Patterns That Keep You From Getting Ahead (Waldrop/Butler) I love self help books.
Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex (But were afraid they'd ask) (Richardson/Schuster) - because "the talk" with Diva, age 9, is coming soon, and I need all the help I can get.
Generation Risk - How to Protect Your Teenager From Smoking And Other Dangerous Behavior. (Newton) The teen years are coming soon (sometimes it seems like they are already here)
The Juicing Book (Bauer) I've been curious about the whole juicing thing. Wanted to learn more about it.
Snowboarding Know-How (Weiss) This one's for Daredevil. He's been begging to learn to snowboard.
Cook Right 4 Your Type (D'Adamo) This is the companion book to Eat Right 4 Your Type, which professes that you should eat a certain way according to your blood type. Intriguing to me, I wanted to learn more about it. At a minimum, hopefully there will be some good healthy recipes there.
Psychology in Sports - Methods and Applications (Suinn) I'm an armchair psychologist - have always loved the psych stuff and sometimes think I missed my calling (since I am obsessed with psychology and self help books). Thought this may help me (and my kids) become better athletes.
Books on tape - Tourist Season and Lucky You (both by Carl Hiaasen) Love anything by Carl Hiaasen. He is a great mystery storyteller, with most of his crazy stories set in Florida. We drive 12 hours each way to visit my in-laws a couple of times each year, so books on cd are fun in the car while the kids are watching a movie.